Help my clingy children stole my self-identity! 3 ways to take back control
- June 5, 2022
- Posted by: Vanessa Tarfon
- Category: Desire , Self image , Sensual Self ,

If you want to read about everyone loving their kids and what a blessing they are…this is not the blog for that! Kids are great BUT, kids also drain the life and libido right out of you. I’m not just talking about kids themselves either. It’s general life that happens after kids that is demanding. Birth trauma, physical changes, emotional changes and childrearing responsibilities like finding the best daycare or school. It’s easy for time to fly until a day comes when you ask, “who am I?” Your self-identity is shot and your libido…well those clingy children have sucked the libido right out of you!
Heading into winter our mood generally decreases thanks to dreary weather and fewer social engagements. Spending more time inside with kids who want to play, run and be super active can drive parents and their kids insane.
It’s not all bad, I know, but here we are talking realities!
Are your clingers a luxury or necessity?
For many mums, the reality of “clingy children” isn’t a luxury it’s a necessity. Our wonderful mothers of special needs kids struggle with clingy children but don’t have the luxury of telling them to shoo for a bit. Their “clingers” NEED mum to do more and they NEED more of mum’s time.
ALL mums need a self-identity, time alone to recharge, and time alone with their partners to keep the couple connection alive. Sensual pleasure is one of the biggest and best mental health and energy boosts for mums!
This INCLUDES our super mums of special needs kids. Mums who go above and beyond to help their children do basic things. If you have a child with special needs remember this…YOU are extremely resilient. Despite the increases in stress you feel every day, YOU can find “me time” and “couple time” because you can do anything. You prove it constantly. Mothers can learn a lot from you about self-care, managing expectations and finding pleasure in small things.
Are you a sexual being?
48% of mums don’t see themselves as a sexual being. That’s almost HALF of all mothers believing their sexy and sexual exploit days are over!
80% of mums exist for their kids. 10% blame clingy children or children with special needs, and a further 10% blame being “touched out” for their low libido.
To combat the negative associations with “clingy children” it’s important to find that ‘me time’ to feel like a human and yourself. You need to take ownership of your self-identity and pleasure.
You are your best self when you experience happiness and enjoyment not FOR your kids, but FOR yourself.
Feeling good in yourself gives you the shot of confidence and energy you need to get through those “clinger” stages. It gives you the energy and confidence you need to take control of your low libido and say NO MORE.
I feel pleasure in my own skin, I seek more out of life and have more control over my happiness.
Take back control of your self-identity and low libido
Block Out Time
Pick up your phone now, and in your calendar block out 5 mins in the morning and 5 mins at night before bed for ‘mummy time’. That’s all you need to make a difference, just 5 MINUTES. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself something positive that you love about yourself. Then give yourself a hug for 5-10 seconds.
Wondrous wears
Wear something EVERY DAY that makes you feel great about yourself. It doesn’t need to be a complete outfit. You don’t need to get all dressed up to sit around the house. Wear one thing that feels good or sexy and brings a sparkle to your face when people see you. Maybe it’s something visible like a pair of earrings or a particular top that hugs your beautiful breasts. Maybe it’s something that can’t be seen like certain underwear or stockings. It’s not about others seeing it, it’s about what happens to your face and your posture when YOU know you are wearing it and feeling sexy.
The best way to boost your low libido is self-pleasure. Discovering what YOU love in minimal time boosts your desire to engage in more sexual activities both with yourself and with a partner.
It’s time to take back control of YOU. Get your self-identity back on track, and feel sexy and energetic every day. Use my expert guiding hand on the Mama’s Sensual Safari today.