MUM CONFESSION: How do I be the sex partner my husband wants? 3 easy ways to be an outstanding sex partner for women with low libido.
“My sex drive is higher than my husbands, what do I do?” New dad’s experience changes just like mums that can drop their libido. Here’s the best tips on how to get your partners sex drive back on track.
Why does sex hurt after birth? Postpartum dyspareunia or painful sex exists and here’s what you need to tell your pregnant friends to stop it!
The festive season and school holidays are coming! Sensually we LOVE summer because people want MORE sex. Here’s 3 tips to enhance your sexual desire during the busiest season of the year!
Mum’s often have “should” sex over “wanted” sex and no mum has time to waste on unenjoyable activities. Discover the key to sexual desire and wanting sex!
A “race” to resume having intercourse again that mother’s can find nerve-wracking and daunting. Sex is seen as the pinnacle of connecting with our partner. What can you do to make sex better after childbirth?
Women are cyclical. Understanding how your body functions during your menstrual cycle can help you be confident and experience pleasure and a great sex life through every stage.
There’s nothing worse than staring at someone with bitterness lurching towards you for intimacy. Discover the difference safety and security make to pleasure and satisfaction.
Having sex is one of the strongest activities to creation connection and intimacy, but what happens when negative feelings surface after sex? What does it mean?
Did you know masturbating makes you a higher quality partner? Discover why and how to resolve the 4 big issues issues with masturbating in relationships.